Monday, October 4, 2010

UFO filmed over the Bahamas

Filmed at The Bahamas at approx 1:00pm July 25th 1999.

Checked out of my hotel but my flight was scheduled to leave at 8:00pm so I left most of my video taping for that afternoon.

Looking up at the sky I noticed a vapor trail from a jet. I pointed my video camera at the trail and noticed a silver cylindrical object flying across the sky slowly. I kept my camera on it as it passed through and under the clouds. I thought it could be a balloon but at the height of the clouds could it be visible? The object was cylindrical shaped and spinning and wobbling. It seemed to change shape from cylindrical to square and back a few times.

The clearest shot of this object is when it passed underneath the clouds and the object was black and very detailed and appeared like a top hat at that point.

Source: Jane Lucidia
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